Where Are Wokeism and Cancel Culture Taking Us?

Where Are Wokeism and Cancel Culture Taking Us?

Since the days of the French Revolution, the left has sought the destruction of historical memory as part of its war unleashed against Christian civilization. Suffice it to recall the devastation of churches and monuments in France between 1789 and 1795. The desecration of the Basilica of Saint-Denis was much more expressive, … Read more

How a Network Lost Viewers by Abandoning the Police

How a Network Lost Viewers by Abandoning the Police

Businesses have long based their policies on what makes money. They need to create the conditions that will bring customers back. Thus, when companies abruptly change course, people assume it is linked to the company’s bottom line. If directors perceive something that will impact their reputation and profits, they will find ways … Read more

TFP Rallies in Defense of Saint Junipero Serra

TFP Rallies in Defense of Saint Junipero Serra

Nearly 300 years ago, Saint Junipero Serra landed on the West coast of the New World with his missionary brothers. Within less than half a decade, the holy friar founded 21 missions and was responsible for the conversion of countless American Indians. It’s no surprise these actions earned him the illustrious moniker, … Read more