Authority is From God, but Also for Him

With the myriad political philosophies that circulate today, a thoughtful analyst can become confused, and legitimately so.  Thus, any contribution to the debate that elucidates the basic principles of Catholic social teaching is an invaluable beacon of light amid the darkness. It could be argued that the most basic question regarding society … Read more

Nationalism and Patriotism

Nationalism and Patriotism

At first glance, nationalism and patriotism seem synonymous. However, the concepts are two poles, two extremes, two irreconcilably antagonistic ideas. Patriotism expresses a sense of fidelity to a people and especially to its traditional authority. It is a virtue close to filial piety, by which children love, honor and serve their parents. … Read more

The Theological Hypothesis of a Heretical Pope

The Theological Hypothesis of a Heretical Pope

“The Pope Manifestly a Heretic Ceases by Himself to Be Pope” In a previous article we did a quick examination of heresy in general, and how it is incompatible with ecclesiastical jurisdiction. We concluded that the abandonment of the Catholic Faith corresponds to a tacit resignation of any ecclesiastical office, since those … Read more

Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State

Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State 1

It is paradoxical that super-progressive California would have recourse to a concept of medieval law to support its revolt against federal immigration law enforcement. It is even more bizarre that the super-secular Golden State would consider itself a kind of Church with authority higher than that of the government and declare itself … Read more

Why Treating Everyone Equally Is a Problem

Why Treating Everyone Equally Is a Problem 2

I recently received an e-mail from someone who questioned me on a comment I made about manners. I had said that manners presuppose distinctions. They call upon us to honor those who are excellent with special treatment. At the same time, they allow us to show compassion and consideration toward those who … Read more

New Book Highlights Conditions of Papal Infallibility, Errors in Magisterial Documents and Asks: Can the Catholic Laity Resist?

New Book Highlights Conditions of Papal Infallibility, Errors in Magisterial Documents and Asks: Can the Catholic Laity Resist? 2

Is the Pope always infallible in everything he says or does? What are the conditions and limits provided by the First Vatican Council for the Pope to exercise the charisma of infallibility? Can Catholic faithful with sufficient doctrinal formation resist documents that clearly contradict Catholic tradition? These are some of the urgent … Read more

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

It is no secret that middle-class Americans are angry at the government and the general state of things. The so-called anti-establishment candidates appear to be channeling that rage to their camps. It is a raw undefined rage that is based more on frustrations and emotions than on concrete facts or convictions. People … Read more

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther

Pope Francis’ Symbolic Gesture Commemorating Heretic Luther 2

Symbolic acts and gestures often have a greater persuasive power than words and reasoning, though one completes the other. This is why the Divine Savior constantly used both symbolic gestures and employed metaphors and parables. This is also why the Church has always surrounded herself with symbols to make visible the beauty … Read more

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style 1

There have been many attempts to apply socialism to the modern workplace. One of these was the program of former president of France François Mitterrand who sought to implement what he called self-managing socialism in 1981. Like all such schemes, it was a dismal failure. He could not make the moldy principles … Read more