A Descent Into Hell

A Descent Into Hell 2

A Review of Escape From Camp 14 Escape From Camp 14 is a modern-day horror story that spans 224 pages revealing the atrocities of the atheistic communist North Korean regime. Its facts are related by one of the few escapees who lived, Shin Dong-Hyuk. The testimony of a former inmate of the … Read more

The Death of a Civilization Immersed in Sin

The Death of a Civilization Immersed in Sin 2

The once Christian Western world is gradually sinking into a sea of mud in ever-thickening darkness. Vice and error are glorified as virtue and truth is persecuted. People no longer boast of moral righteousness and of the rule of reason but of libertinism, irrationality and the “deconstruction” of the concepts which sustain … Read more

Is it Fascist to be Anti-Communist?

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

Answering the above question is extremely important, since it is a Communist tactic to immobilize their adversaries by calling them Nazis or Fascists. We will prove that one who is truly against Communism, must also be against Fascism, for the two ideologies are similar. Likewise, one who is truly against Fascism must … Read more