The Struggle Against the Power of Darkness

The Struggle Against the Power of Darkness

Gustavo Antônio Solimeo and Luiz Sérgio Solimeo Notions about the holy angels among the Catholic faithful, even the most enthusiastic Catholics, are often vague and superficial. For the most part, they are mere memories and images of childhood, not much different from fictitious and somewhat mythological beings such as fairies and elves. … Read more

“One for the Angels” in Richmond

“One for the Angels” in Richmond

The Richmond, Virginia Rosary Rally was the final stop for one of the southern caravans organized by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). As part of its Mary, Mother of Mercy, Restore America Campaign, several groups of young volunteers will travel the country this summer on … Read more

Zeal for the Most Holy Name of Mary

In times past, people considered names to be symbolic of the person. This was so true that for a long time people even gave great importance to initials, a kind of symbol of the name, which in turn is a symbol of the person. Thus, a name was considered to be a … Read more

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Fr. Raymond de Thomas de Saint-Laurent

Many days passed before God finally completed the masterpiece of His creation. For nine months, the soul of Mary had given form to her virginal body, and the hour of her happy birth approached. As the suffocating Palestinian summer neared its end, the mellowing sun poured abundant torrents of golden light on … Read more

Reflections on the Ascension

Reflections on the Ascension 2

Upon entering Jerusalem, we recall that here rested Our Lord Jesus Christ in a closed sepulcher, penetrated by neither air nor light, His Sacred Body disfigured by wounds. Wrapped in the Holy Shroud, Our Lord lies in utter darkness, reduced to isolated inertia and death. In the seeming hopelessness of the sepulcher, … Read more

Saint Peter Armengol

Saint Peter Armengol 3

Peter Armengol was born in Guárdia dels Prats, a small village in the archdiocese of Tarragon, Spain in 1238. He belonged to the house of the barons of Rocafort, descendants of the counts of Urgel, whose ancestors were directly linked to the counts of Barcelona and the monarchs of Aragon and Castile. … Read more

The Feast of the Assumption

The Feast of the Assumption

The Assumption was a beautiful favor God granted to His mother. It began when Our Lady, very suavely died. Her passing is customarily called Our Lady’s dormition because the grace with which she passed from this life and the short elapse before her resurrection, made her death seem more like a dream.After … Read more