HANOVER, Penn. (Oct. 24, 2018) A hard-hitting new book on Islam has just been released that dismantles many of the myths that cloud the debate on the Muslim threat. Islam and the Suicide of the West: The Origin, Doctrine, and Goals of Islam by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo is a book that should be read by any Christian who wants to know about Islam, what Islam teaches about Christians, and the reasons why “dialogue” is not just futile, but dangerous.
The author, Luiz Sérgio Solimeo, is a scholar, researcher and educator who has written numerous books, articles and essays on the effects of religion on culture. He is currently a researcher and writer for the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) headquartered near York, Penn.
Admiral James A. Lyons (retired) wrote the book’s foreword in which he stated that Mr. Solimeo “clearly and concisely makes the case and provides the facts that support the belief that Islam is a totalitarian ideology bent on world domination, masquerading as a religion.”
Many of the myths about Islam are based on an improper knowledge of its doctrines and beliefs. Mr. Solimeo provides a concise explanation by citing the Koran and Islamic authors. He also looks at the history of Islam and its internal contradictions.
His book spotlights many reasons why “dialogue” with Islam will not work. Among these are the refusal of Muslims to assimilate into the general society, the nature of Sharia law, and the totalitarian nature of Islamic teaching. It also points out the failure of the Church to realize the dangers involved in pursuing “dialogue” in the name of a false ecumenism.
“This book puts the battle with Islam in perspective,” said American TFP President Raymond E. Drake. “We are sure it will play a big role in the debate over the Islamic threat to the West.”
Those who want to understand better Islam and its doctrine will want to read Islam and the Suicide of the West. The PDF edition can be downloaded for free at TFP.org/IslamSuicideWest. The print version can be purchased here (https://store.tfp.org/islam-and-the-suicide-of-the-west-the-origin-doctrine-and-goals-of-islam/). For more information about Islam and the Suicide of the West (Spring Grove, Penn.: The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, 2018; Softcover; ISBN: 978-1-877905-58-2; E-book ISBN: 978-1-877905-59-9; 220 pp.), please e-mail [email protected].