The Day After: What Is Our Dream for a Post-Roe America?

On the 49th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins pro-life multitudes nationwide, asking God for a post-Roe future. The reason for this hope is that the U.S. Supreme Court may soon decide the fate of Roe v. Wade. … Read more

Eleven Ways the Pro-Abortion Movement Admits It Went Wrong

Eleven Ways the Pro-Abortion Movement Admits It Went Wrong

The pro-abortion movement is running scared. It likes to portray itself as a popular movement representing all women and progressive ideas. Suddenly, pro-abortionists are realizing the bottom has fallen out of their assumptions. They are not popular. Many women, indeed mostly women, oppose them. Given the “choice” about unlimited abortion, nearly half … Read more

TFP Student Action Confronts Shocking Cries at Millersville

TFP Student Action Confronts Shocking Cries at Millersville

“I eat babies!” “If my own mother were murdered, I would laugh. Hail Satan!” “I wish I had been aborted!” “Yes, I am a murderer!” “Go to hell!” These words greeted members of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) Student Action on the pro-life battlefield on another of their heated university campaigns. When … Read more

“Finding” Law in the Texas Heartbeat Law Decision

“Finding” Law in the Texas Heartbeat Law Decision

In the wake of the SCOTUS decision on the Texas Heartbeat Act, many accuse Texas of legalizing vigilantism. The left paints the new law as a sinister manipulation aimed at eviscerating compliance in Texas with Roe v. Wade. Undoubtedly, the act that allows private individuals to bring a civil suit against anyone … Read more

Can the American Bishops Say No to Pro-Abortion Politicians?

Can the American Bishops Say No to Pro-Abortion Politicians?

The case against pro-abortion politicians receiving Holy Communion should be obvious. The requirement for receiving Holy Communion is to be free of mortal sin. Abetting abortion is a public and serious sin. Those same politicians also commit the grave sin of scandal. Therefore, they should be denied Communion. It is a clear-cut … Read more

Can Sanctuary Cities Energize the Future of the Pro-Life Movement?

Can Sanctuary Cities Energize the Future of the Pro-Life Movement?

On May 1, 2021, the voters of Lubbock, Texas voted 62% to 38% to declare their city a “sanctuary city for the unborn.” A Triumph Rightist media, for the most part, heralded the news. The Federalist presented a triumphant tone. “Despite opposition from Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion activists’ attempts to stifle pro-life … Read more