The Invincible Courage of Paulette Harlow

The Invincible Courage of Paulette Harlow

The forces of evil are arrayed against those who oppose abortion as the pro-abortion movement is employing new and crueler measures. Liberal prosecutors are now using the nefarious FACE Act to maximize jail sentences and discourage resistance. In the latest chapter in this persecution, rescuer Paulette Harlow was recently found guilty by … Read more

Captains Win Victory with 1,100 Rosary Rallies for Life!

Captains Win Victory with 1,100 Rosary Rallies for Life!

On January 21, America Needs Fatima supporters held over 1,100 Public Square Rosary Rallies nationwide to pray for the end of abortion in America. The January Pro-Life Rosary Rallies celebrated last June’s overturning of the infamous Roe v. Wade. The rallies also expressed the determination of pro-life Americans to continue the fight … Read more

Why the D.C. March for Life Must Grow Stronger Than Ever

Why the D.C. March for Life Must Grow Stronger Than Ever

For fifty years, the March for Life has annoyed the left and liberal media. On the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, hundreds of thousands have marched to the Supreme Court annually to ask for its overturning. Every year, the media could be counted upon to ignore or underreport the … Read more

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

On this 50th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) celebrates the overturning of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision with all the pro-life multitudes nationwide. After so many years of marching, we have the joy of seeing the impossible … Read more

Why Do So Many Hate the March for Life?

Why Do So Many Hate the March for Life?

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the annual March for Life will take place on January 20 in Washington, D.C., on the 50th anniversary of the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision. Many inveterate pro-lifers have trudged up to the Supreme Court for decades and feel that now is not the time to … Read more

A Farewell to Nancy Pelosi

A Farewell to Nancy Pelosi

After the elections, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her exit from any leadership position in a dramatic November 17 farewell. The effect of this announcement is limited. Until the lame-duck Congress adjourns, she will still be heading the charge to do as much damage as possible to the conservative cause. She will … Read more

Pro-Life Crusade Celebrates the Fall of Roe in the Midwest

Pro-Life Crusade Celebrates the Fall of Roe in the Midwest

In August of 2022, a caravan of young volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) traveled across the Midwest holding street campaigns, rallies and acts of reparation. The Twofold Purpose for Our Midwest Campaign The story of our caravan starts with an episode in Catholic … Read more