Four Points on Why Russia Invaded Ukraine

Just when everything seemed to be getting back to the new normal, abnormality struck again. The war in Ukraine is raging and changing the face of the globalized world. The situation is confusing as people struggle to find reasons behind the invasion. Conspiracy theories abound on both sides, like the scenes of … Read more

Do America’s Schools Imprison Our Children in the Depths of Despair?

“Strong evidence is emerging that we are mostly succeeding in creating a generation of overwhelmed young people paralyzed into learned helplessness.” Robert Pondiscio of the American Enterprise Institute provides this harrowing conclusion. He spelled out the supporting logic in a recent article in Commentary magazine with the compelling title, “The Unbearable Bleakness … Read more

Sinful Acts Have Consequences That Impact Society

Today, many wonder what has led our society to go so unbelievably wrong. They wonder how so many millions of Americans have gone from God-fearing, commandment-obeying citizens to hedonistic, immoral and even criminal neo-barbarians in a period of a few decades. They are many causes for this transformation. However, I believe two … Read more

Col. Donald Cook: “A Valiant Defender of Christian Morality”

Col. Donald Cook: “A Valiant Defender of Christian Morality”

Heroes are commonly seen as people who face and overcome an external enemy. Marine Col. Donald Gilbert Cook is an example of someone who heroically faced an external enemy, but his greatness comes primarily from the war he waged against himself. This Catholic Marine posthumously received the Medal of Honor because of … Read more

America Should Uphold Justice and Help Ukraine Against Putin’s ‘Unjust War’

America Should Uphold Justice and Help Ukraine Against Putin’s Unjust War

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) denounces and categorically condemns President Vladimir Putin’s unjust war against Ukraine and urges the Russian Federation to immediately return its troops to their barracks and indemnify the Ukrainian people for their losses. The American TFP commends President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and … Read more

The End of History Just Ended

The End of History Just Ended

In 1992, American political scientist Francis Fukuyama published his famous book, The End of History and the Last Man. The author asserted that the fall of the Iron Curtain marked a milestone of immense importance for the West. He claimed that the end of the Cold War was not just “the passing … Read more