Winter Camp for Boys Under the Protection of Saint Michael

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winter-camp-pa-2008-03Are Catholic boys ready to defend their faith? Are they strong enough to stand up like Crusaders and proclaim the truth in “season and out of season?” To resist the ungodly trends promoted by immoral TV, peer-pressure, false role models, or the Internet?

The crisis of Faith is ever more apparent. God is being expelled from our schools and homes. Schoolchildren who celebrate Christmas or pray before lunch, for example, can be suspended or ridiculed.

winter-camp-pa-2008-04Therefore, to prepare Catholic boys for the multiple challenges that may arise in 2008, the TFP sponsored a Call to Chivalry Winter Camp from December 28 to January 2: “Why God Created Angels: Their Decisive Mission to Help Us Conquer the World, the Flesh and the Devil.”

Life is a spiritual battle. This Winter Camp equipped boys with the means to win many spiritual battles by encouraging devotion to the Angels, in particular, the Guardian Angels.

The camp was held at Saint Louis de Montfort Academy in Herndon, Penn. Its serene and tranquil atmosphere was a perfect setting for the program as the young knights shared camaraderie and good Christmas cheer with games, talks and banquets. Each day unfolded with a full schedule of physical, intellectual, and prayerful activity and camp participants were challenged to develop the virtues of chivalry in games such as dodge-ball, shield ball, and a memorable round of capture the flag, this time held in the snow.

Camp participants intently attended to Mr. Gustavo Solimeo talk, which explained the role of the nine choirs of Angels and their specific mission in the heavenly court. Other fascinating stories were told by Mr. Michael Whitcraft about angelic interventions in history, inspiring greater devotion to Saint Michael the Archangel. After dinner activities included a talk on the overwhelming power of the Church against the devil through exorcism.

The camp closed with a splendid New Year’s banquet and each participant received a portrait of Saint Michael, presented by His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza, a direct descendent of King Saint Louis IX, an enduring reminder to have more recourse to the angels in this time of crisis.

Future Call to Chivalry Camps

For information on upcoming Call to Chivalry Camps, please contact [email protected] or call Cesar Franco at 717-225-7147 ext. 255.

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