TFP Urges Government to Cut Funding to UNFPA

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The Honorable Colin Powell
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520

Dear Secretary Powell:
Since its founding in 1969, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) has spent approximately $5 billion implementing global population reduction.

Using predominantly U.N. data and source material, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute’s recent study The United Nations Population Fund: Assault on the World’s Peoples lays serious charges at UNFPA’s door. Indeed, Douglas A. Sylva, Ph.D., the study’s author, shows that UNFPA funds and programs are not only misguided and mismanaged, but also directly responsible for China’s One Child Policy and Vietnam’s Two Child Policy.

The well-documented atrocities perpetrated under China’s One Child Policy – its coerced abortions, forced sterilization of women, infanticide by starvation of young girls in State orphanages, crippling fines and job loss for “offending” parents – will forever stand out among history’s darkest pages as a most blatant disregard for life, the most basic of human rights, and the fundamental right to constitute a family and have children.

President Bush’s action to cancel American funding for fiscal year 2002 is most praiseworthy. Dr. Sylva’s research, however, underscores what many have long demanded, namely, that the United States government owes it to its citizens, and to history, to stop American funding of and all involvement with UNFPA, not just for a year, but forever. Only such clear and forceful action will allow future generations to disassociate the United States from the horrific “crimes against humanity” that have been perpetrated in the name of population control.
Since American funding of UNFPA is handled by the State Department, your grave consideration of this issue is urgently requested.
Respectfully yours,






Raymond E. Drake


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