How Wall Street Betrays Itself and America in China

How Wall Street Betrays Itself and America in China

Wall Street runs its financial operations using time-honored processes based on data and statistics. Such data is needed to ensure investor interests are not jeopardized. The standards are rigid and necessary in a dog-eat-dog world where people take advantage of others. Generally, there are no exceptions to such procedures. The government and … Read more

How Wall Street Is Building an Abortion Apartheid Regime

How Wall Street Is Building an Abortion Apartheid Regime

Two of the most sacred tenets of a liberal economy are the notions of moral neutrality and free markets. Wall Street does not get involved in personal beliefs and mores because it is bad for business. As long as the right of property and contracts are respected, the classical liberal is unconcerned … Read more

Why Conservatives Should Not Attack the “Establishment”

Why Conservatives Should Not Attack the “Establishment” 1

In the 2016 presidential election cycle, no single group, not even President Obama, has been the object of more contempt than “the establishment.” Nearly every candidate of both parties has attacked his or her rivals for supposedly belonging to the “establishment” while vehemently denying ever having belonged to it themselves. Large numbers … Read more

Just an Article or an Excuse to Blaspheme?

Just an Article or an Excuse to Blaspheme? 1

The days leading up to Christmas are always ones of great anticipation and with good reason since everything about Our Lord’s birth was marvelous. It occurred in the middle of the night under a blanket of stars. The “good tidings” of His birth was announced to nearby shepherds by an angel: “…This … Read more

Dodd-Frank: Another Name for Socialism

Dodd-Frank: Another Name for Socialism

As we sail on the choppy seas of a questionable economic recovery, we can look back upon a storm of our own making that has wreaked havoc upon our financial system. That storm is the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Enacted five years ago, the mammoth law of all … Read more

Crumbling BRICs

Crumbling BRICs 2

Considering the media buzz surrounding the rising emergent markets, one might think that the American economy is doomed to be overtaken by new players in the market. The future belongs to the BRICs – that acronym has been given to the four highest performers in these markets, Brazil, Russia, India and China. … Read more

7,515 Rosary Rallies Worldwide on October 15

As the world situation becomes increasingly threatening, the idea of holding a Rosary in a public place has become more popular. As human efforts fail to solve our growing economic, social, moral and spiritual troubles, more people are turning to the supernatural solutions: The Fatima message of prayer and penance, and the … Read more

Rosary Rallies “Occupy” 7,500 Public Squares – and Go Unreported

Rosary Rallies “Occupy” 7,500 Public Squares – and Go Unreported 2

""""[vc_column_text]As many as 200,000 Americans took to the streets on October 15 and “occupied” thousands of public squares nationwide to voice their concerns about the nation’s future. Such an outpouring of public sentiment should have been enough to attract the attention of any decent media. However, that was not the case. These … Read more