Five Perfect Christmas Toys for Children—(Not Gadgets)

Five Perfect Christmas Toys for Children—(Not Gadgets)

For those agonizing over what to buy this Christmas for their toddlers, the wait may be over. A panel of experts has just weighed in with suggestions targeting young children in the digital age. What do the experts say? Do they recommend a family-friendly video game that might be good fun and … Read more

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage?

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage? 3

So many of the moral issues that polarize the nation are now having legal consequences. Liberal activists insist upon forcing acceptance down the throats of countless Americans who disagree. The violence of this forced acceptance is something unseen in American history. Photographers, florists, bed & breakfast owners, and bakers who refused to … Read more

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

It is no secret that middle-class Americans are angry at the government and the general state of things. The so-called anti-establishment candidates appear to be channeling that rage to their camps. It is a raw undefined rage that is based more on frustrations and emotions than on concrete facts or convictions. People … Read more

Reflections on Women in Combat

Reflections on Women in Combat 2

One of the most earthshaking decisions of our country in 2015 occurred on December 3, when Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter declared that all combat jobs would become open to women with “no exceptions.” While it is horrible enough that women will be exposed to the horrors of war, the shock waves … Read more

The “Strong Money” of Good King Saint Louis

The “Strong Money” of Good King Saint Louis 1

Speaking with a friend recently, we chanced to talk about money and coins. He is a coin collector and had just visited a coin shop nearby. I mentioned my own studies of medieval economy and its coinage. Much to my surprise and delight, he reached into his inner coat pocket and pulled … Read more