Let Us Fight for You

Let Us Fight for You 1

The Moral Imperative of a Masculine Infantry “…exposure to danger is not combat. Combat is a lot more than that, it’s a lot more than getting shot at or even getting killed by being shot at. Combat is finding and closing with and killing or capturing the enemy if you’re down in … Read more

Why Economic Culture Matters

Why Economic Culture Matters 2

A review of Becoming Europe: Economic Decline, Culture, and How America Can Avoid a European Future by Samuel Gregg (New York: Encounter Books, 2013) *          *          * It is not often that one finds refreshing nuance in books dealing with economy. Economics is not supposed to be about nuance. It usually presents itself in … Read more

The Benefits of Large Families

The Benefits of Large Families 1

Experience shows that a family’s vitality and unity are usually in direct proportion to its fecundity.In large families, the children normally look up to the parents as leaders of a sizeable community, given the number of its members as well as the considerable religious, moral, cultural, and material values inherent to the … Read more