Fantasy Rules in Tribal Land Disputes

Fantasy Rules in Tribal Land Disputes

The news story reads like a classic land dispute between government and business interests against the claims of Indian tribes. Two massive projects are about to be started near a vast reservation in Arizona. The first is a power line that runs through an ancestral valley, and the second is a copper … Read more

The Utopian Premises of Ecological Tribalism

The Utopian Premises of Ecological Tribalism

The Ecological Turn of “Postmodernity” When compared to yesterday’s culture a few decades ago, today’s “postmodern” culture has some rather surprising differences. One such difference is its ecologist tendency to rediscover, re-evaluate and propose models that are backward, primitive, wild and tribal. In yesterday’s culture, man was acclaimed as the master of … Read more

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

“There Is No Moral Virtue in Being Wrong” — Interview with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 4

Dr. Beisner is a scholar specializing in the application of Christian worldview, theology, and ethics to economics, government, environmental stewardship, and public policy. As a professor he has taught theology, apologetics, ethics, church history, economics, and other disciplines. He has written four books on population, resources, economics, and the environment; eight other … Read more

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street 2

Soon after entering the protest perimeter at Zuccotti Park a piece of communist propaganda was thrust into my hand. The flier starts: “It’s not just Wall Street… capitalism must be destroyed.” As I continued reading, other lines jumped off the page: “Only communism can live up to the aspirations the Occupy Wall … Read more

The Green Cult

The Green Cult

We have seen how true ecology preserves, enriches and perfects nature in order to derive a benefit. It stimulates the progress of races and cultures of animal or plant species. Whereas the “green” ecologists, on the contrary, campaign to restrict or even prohibit the legitimate use of God’s creation to feed mankind. The true ecologist really loves creation while the “green” ecologist hates it.