Trying to Explain Alexander Dugin

Trying to Explain Alexander Dugin

For a long time, I have tried to read the work of Alexander Dugin, the guru philosopher of Vladimir Putin. Many acclaim his criticism of the modern liberal world and applaud his proposed solutions. They say he is the key to understanding Russia today. However, my efforts were not successful. Instead of … Read more

Who Is Framing the Narrative in the Political Debate?

Who Is Framing the Narrative in the Political Debate? 1

Everyone acknowledges that this is not an ordinary election cycle. Almost as confusing as the campaign events are the explanations of those trying to explain why so many bizarre things are happening. Everyone has a take on the political carnival. Everything seems to be a confused mess. However, if one observes closely, … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

Global Warming Heats Up In The Classroom

Global Warming Heats Up In The Classroom 2

The debate over global warming is now entering the classroom and its proponents are alarmed. It seems the “dogma” of the existence of global warming is running into problems as boards of education in several states have established a standard that requires the presentation of climate change “denial” as a valid scientific … Read more

Shattering Revolutionary Icons: The Evolution Debate Revisited

Shattering Revolutionary Icons: The Evolution Debate Revisited

The moral crisis engulfing the modern world is built upon several false icons. These icons provide it with a philosophical foundation and purport to contradict age-old Christian wisdom. The claim that freedom is an absolute value, is one such icon that has led to legal protection for abortion and blasphemy. If these … Read more