Pope Francis’s 9 Commandments for a Just Economy Forgets the First One

Pope Francis’s 9 Commandments for a Just Economy Forgets the First One

The “popular movements” are the vanguard of Catholic social justice warriors. They consist of a vast menagerie of leftist activists and community organizers found in political action groups, Basic Christian Communities, worker organizations and indigenous peoples’ lobbies. They exist worldwide, especially in less developed nations, and they implement the tenets of liberation … Read more

Natural Law Judges Are the Only Way to Save the Judiciary

Natural Law Judges Are the Only Way to Save the Judiciary

One reason conservatives give major importance to elections is that they know the selection of judges can impact law for decades. Thus, when President Trump selected two Supreme Court judges, many hoped that the Court would shift to the right. The June 15 Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia decision dashed these hopes. … Read more

The Roots of American Alienation

The Roots of American Alienation

After the 2016 elections, many tried to explain what happened. Some theories are not convincing since they seem to hide a darker reality of which we dare not speak. Others appear a bit too simplified to explain what we experience in daily life. To start the process of understanding our crisis, we … Read more

On Those Things a President Cannot Solve

On Those Things a President Cannot Solve

There are many issues that President Trump can solve. His first great accomplishment was solving the election. Almost all conservatives adopted a thank-God-it’s-not-Hillary approach to the Trump presidency. There was a general sigh of relief over a bullet dodged. As time passes, the administration now stands on its own merits beyond being … Read more

How Judges Become Tyrants

How Judges Become Tyrants

Among the three branches of American government, there is supposed to be a system of checks and balances to curb any abuse of power. That is at least the theory. In practice, the judicial branch is now engaged in a campaign of checks without balances or precedent. Judges are becoming tyrants without … Read more

A Tale of Two Marches: Reasons for Hope and Confidence

45th Annual March for Life - A Tale of Two Marches: Reasons for Hope and Confidence

45th Annual March for Life A Tale of Two Marches: Reasons for Hope and Confidence On the occasion of this 45th annual March for Life, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins the legions of Americans nationwide who oppose the continued slaughter of innocents through abortion. We … Read more