Why We Must Oppose the Satanic Offensive

Why We Must Oppose the Satanic Offensive

In this age of complete relativism, some uphold the “right” to practice any aberration not only in the moral order but also in the spiritual sphere. Thus, they advocate the supposed “right” of atheists and unbelievers—and even Satan worshipers!—to ostensibly display their hatred of Christianity. To many, such hateful displays are harmless … Read more

Is This Election a Last Hurrah?

Is This Election a Last Hurrah? 3

Many are attempting to make sense out of the present election cycle and especially the appearance of unconventional political outsiders that are dominating the headlines and in some cases the polls. Everyone seems to agree that the system doesn’t work anymore. It’s broken and no one knows how to fix it. However, … Read more

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style 1

There have been many attempts to apply socialism to the modern workplace. One of these was the program of former president of France François Mitterrand who sought to implement what he called self-managing socialism in 1981. Like all such schemes, it was a dismal failure. He could not make the moldy principles … Read more

Dodd-Frank: Another Name for Socialism

Dodd-Frank: Another Name for Socialism

As we sail on the choppy seas of a questionable economic recovery, we can look back upon a storm of our own making that has wreaked havoc upon our financial system. That storm is the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Enacted five years ago, the mammoth law of all … Read more

Keep the Three-Legged Stool Standing and Strong

Keep the Three-Legged Stool Standing and Strong 1

Why the future of the conservative movement and its ability to lead and win depends on all three legs of the Reagan stool: moral values, military might and fiscal sanity “Divide and conquer” is a sound military tactic. Every army that wants to win cannot rely simply on the righteousness of its … Read more

The Great Bolivarian Famine

It is called Bolivarian rotation. According to this system, Venezuelans can only buy commodities in state markets on days matching the last digits of their national ID cards. On Monday, for example, the Bicentenário food chain caters to buyers whose IDs end in zero and one, the daily Clarín of Buenos Aires … Read more

Socialized Medicine Scores Big in Venezuela

With civilized countries looking to depart from traditional methods of healthcare, and some forcibly implementing a socialist alternative, a quick look at how things are going in socialist Venezuela might give a taste of things to come. According to El Universal, 14,700 doctors have fled Venezuela seeking a just compensation elsewhere and … Read more

Unusual Meeting at the Vatican: Communism: A Friend of the Poor?

It is not uncommon to hear that communism was “a good idea poorly implemented.” In spite of its actual experiences – all ending with catastrophic results – the idea that communism contains a “positive core” and is “friendly to the poor” reemerged at the World Meeting of Popular Movements organized at the … Read more

Chinese Quit the Communist Party in Growing Numbers

An increasing number of Chinese are making a point of publishing their resignation from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, the online publication Epoch Times reported. Since 2004, an ongoing campaign to resign from the Party has been followed by more than 176 million Chinese. Until a while ago, … Read more