Soldiers Under Mary’s Banner Battle Satan In Scottsdale

Soldiers Under Mary’s Banner Battle Satan In Scottsdale

“A man bellowed a drawn-out ‘Lucifer!’ over the roar of his motorcycle as he raced past the protest,” said Chris Dunlap, describing the scene. He was present on February 11-13, 2022, where many witnessed the clash of the powers of heaven with the forces of hell. At the Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale, … Read more

A Call to Protest the Growing Threat from Satanism

A Call to Protest the Growing Threat from Satanism

A Satanic offensive is taking place in America. It can be seen not only in large cities and liberal strongholds, but in small communities like Belle Plaine, Minnesota. This city served as the stage for a highly symbolic sequence of event. In April, officials there approved plans for a Satanic monument to … Read more