Will the Conservative Movement’s Three-Legged Stool Remain Standing?

Will the Conservative Movement’s Three-Legged Stool Remain Standing? 2

Why GOProud Does Not Belong at CPAC! On February 20, 2014 The Wall Street Journal reported that, “Conservative Political Action Conference will welcome back a guest that has been shunned in recent years: GOProud, a conservative gay-rights organization.” GOProud is participating in CPAC as a guest, not as a “participating organization” or … Read more

Same-sex “Marriage”: Accept it or Resign!

Same-sex “Marriage”: Accept it or Resign! 1

When the New York state legislature rammed through a law “legalizing” same-sex “marriage” this last summer, countless New Yorkers disagreed with the decision. Among them were Christian town clerks who could not in good conscience sign marriage licenses for a union they consider sinful. Clauses were written in the law that supposedly … Read more

A Look at the Real Brazil – Through Communist Eyes

A Look at the Real Brazil - Through Communist Eyes 2

The establishment media seek to convey a discouraging impression of Brazil as a country where the majority of the population prefers immorality and egalitarian decadence. However, this is a very partial view of reality that does not consider the deepest aspects of the Brazilian soul. Geraldo Galindo, leader of the Communist Party … Read more

TFP to CPAC: Don’t Betray Principles


The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has long been the premier event of the conservative movement. It has served to unite conservatives focused on major issues and causes by standing firm on core principles that define the movement and guarantee its success. This year, however, this unity has been threatened. Many of … Read more

Same-sex “Marriage”: Who Sounded the Retreat?

Same-sex "Marriage": Who Sounded the Retreat? 1

In the history of war, we can observe many cases of battles where someone mistakenly sounds the retreat when victory was in sight. This seems to be the case against same-sex “marriage.” Traditional marriage has never been defeated. Thirty-one times it has been taken to the polls and thirty-one times it has … Read more

Contesting Belmont Abbey College’s Right to be Catholic

Contesting Belmont Abbey College’s Right to be Catholic

When in 2007, Belmont Abbey College discovered abortion, contraception and voluntary sterilization were accidentally included in its medical insurance policies, it logically took steps to remove such coverage that gravely offends the Catholic morality and conscience. The 18 Benedictine monks operating the small college and living in a 142-year-old monastery in the … Read more

April 13 – Defending God’s Marriage in the Granite State

This time, we’re off to New England. The van is well loaded with fliers, banners, and a set of bagpipes. Everyone “on board” shares the same joy and desire to be on the road again, defending traditional marriage, traveling from city to city, campus to campus. Let me introduce the members of … Read more