Sarah Sanders Turns the Other Cheek at The Red Hen

Sarah Sanders Turns the Other Cheek at The Red Hen

It was a small incident first reported on Twitter that later went viral. In the middle of a meal with family, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. The staff did not feel comfortable serving her party. Sarah turned the other … Read more

Dishonor Is Behind the Failure to Repeal Obamacare

Dishonor Is Behind the Failure to Repeal Obamacare

The failure of the Graham-Cassidy attempt to repeal ObamaCare is symptomatic of a deeply unhealthy political system. The ObamaCare repeal was a signature issue of the 2016 campaign. Everyone from the president on down stumped on it. The Republican-controlled Congress itself voted for repeal many times over the years, only to be … Read more

One Thing Was Missing at the Republican and Democratic Conventions

One Thing Was Missing at the Republican and Democratic Conventions 2

The national conventions are ended, and battle lines are drawn for the coming elections. Sorting through the rhetoric, something seems to be missing, and it makes this election very different from others. This election brings a change of focus that does not bode well. When billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel spoke at the … Read more

Four Ways to Overturn the Rule of Money

Four Ways to Overturn the Rule of Money 2

With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, a change in society’s perception of value began to take place. The almighty dollar became the de facto measure of worth, and factors that could not be quantified monetarily began to get phased out of the equation. Elements such as beauty, craftsmanship, uniqueness and heritage … Read more

Why Return to Order?

Why Return to Order? 6

Interview with John Horvat II, Author of Return to Order John Horvat II is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, author and regular contributor to Crusade Magazine. His writings have appeared worldwide in numerous publications and websites. For more than two decades, he has been researching and writing about the socio-economic crisis … Read more