Here’s the Real Reason Why I Hate Socialism

Here’s the Real Reason Why I Hate Socialism

There are many reasons to hate socialism. Most people hate it for economic reasons. Socialists believe in the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Thus, it alienates countless people by its attack on private property. People also hate socialism for its coercive character. … Read more

Why Nothing Is Sacred Anymore

Why Nothing Is Sacred Anymore

Recently, the word sacred was in the news, when White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly lamented the fact that nothing is sacred anymore, especially in light of the brouhaha over the president’s phone call to a soldier’s widow. “When I was a kid growing up,” he said, “a lot of … Read more

Traditional Marriage Crusade Campaign Central

Traditional Marriage Crusade Campaign Central

""""[vc_column_text]Motivated teams of young TFP volunteers tour Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and other states, where they held signs and distributed thousands of flyers explaining why homosexual “marriage” is harmful to society and must be opposed. What is the TFP “caravan” for marriage? Thank you for all your support in this crusade. … Read more