Trans-Species: Transgenderism’s Rotten Fruit

Trans-Species: Transgenderism’s Rotten Fruit 1

If a man can become a woman at will, why can’t he be anything else he so desires? Such a relativistic conclusion is already being proposed. Welcome to the world of the trans-species; also know as the furries or otherkins, who suffer from Species Identity Disorder; a frequent theme in homosexual parades. … Read more

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity

Lesbian activist Rikki Wilchins has no problem defining her final goal. Her article, “We’ll Win the Bathroom Battle When Binary Burns” clearly states that the goal is to eradicate the differences between man and woman. If a person cannot be identified objectively by his or her characteristics using logic, we cannot know … Read more