The Crumbling of Certainties

The Crumbling of Certainties 2

In the scramble to make sense out of the present election cycle, analysts have come up with all sorts of theories. One popular explanation claims that people are hardening in their positions. On the left and the right, all parties are holding rigidly to their agendas, forcing their will upon the rest … Read more

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over 2

In a surprising new study, NASA satellite telemetry indicates that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the losses from its thinning glaciers. No doubt this data will not sit well with climate alarmists who claim that anthropogenic global warming is destroying the … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

Interview With Lord Monckton at the Rio+20 Conference

Interview With Lord Monckton at the Rio+20 Conference 2

If anyone has any doubts about the true nature of the green environmental movement, they should talk to Lord Christopher Monckton. This inspiring Catholic English lord has been challenging the movement for years. He even challenged Al Gore to a debate but the inconvenient truth is that the famous environmentalist has not … Read more

The Revenge of the Polar Bears

The Revenge of the Polar Bears 2

Let’s face it. Times are getting rough for radical ecologists. It is bad enough that their global warming conferences seem to coincide with sub-zero weather patterns. And then there is the problem of fossil fuels. Just when they declare the world has reached “peak oil” production, the energy industry ruins everything and … Read more