Why the #MeToo Movement Is Doomed to Fail

Why the #MeToo Movement Is Doomed to Fail

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal brought home just how our attitudes about sexual relationships have become dangerously trivial and mechanical. It showed how we have lost the sense of decency, morality, and shame. The article reported on new apps that allow those who engage in casual relationships to tell … Read more

How Jordan Peterson Can Lead to Freud and Darwin, not God

How Jordan Peterson Can Lead to Freud and Darwin, not God

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is not an ordinary book. You like the fact that it attacks the prevailing politically-correct society and challenges people to take responsibility for their actions. There is merit in proposing such goals. You also like the idea of rules because everyone knows … Read more

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

This article was written on October 1, 1939 on the occasion of the death of Sigmund Freud. The death of Freud (1856 – September 23, 1939) in England once again shed light on his personality and doctrine. Acclaimed with an aura of wisdom, his doctrine is as little known as the points … Read more

How John Dewey Destroyed the Souls of Our Children

How John Dewey Destroyed the Souls of Our Children

The story of American public education begins with Horace Mann. It was Mann who popularized the idea that American schools should teach all students, be non-sectarian, and tax-supported. A little less than a half-century passed between Mann’s death and the advent of John Dewey. That half-century may well be the most dynamic … Read more

How Evolution Means the Death of the Soul

How Evolution Means the Death of the Soul

Evolutionists rarely proclaim their incompatibility with Christianity so as not to alarm Christians. They will generally try to present evolution as a purely scientific theory that seeks to explain the origins of the universe. If religious people have a problem, it is their narrow vision that is to blame, not the theory … Read more

The History of a Tomorrow Without God

The History of a Tomorrow Without God

The bestselling book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, is dangerous for Catholics of little faith. Rarely do you see a book that is so cunningly written to shake certainties and present as inevitable a stark and Godless future now being planned. The value of the book is not found in … Read more

The ‘Weinsteinization’ of Everything Rotten

The ‘Weinsteinization’ of Everything Rotten 1

The spectacular fall of Harvey Weinstein represents more than just the rejection of the appalling behavior of a Hollywood mogul. Rather, it is the unsurprising confirmation that Hollywood is rotten. The behavior of Hollywood producers and actors merely reflects the movies with their violence, immorality, and profanity. As the Weinstein case broadens … Read more

Nightmare of Nudity Honored on National Mall

Nightmare of Nudity Honored on National Mall

As statues of historic figures are being defaced and removed, it was only a matter of time before we could expect the same politically-correct tyranny to impose its own statues upon the public. That time has come. While anticipated, no one could imagine something so indecent as what is being proposed for … Read more