Pope Francis: “If I See the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist, and So Too Is Jesus”

Pope Francis: “If I See the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist, and So Too Is Jesus”

Last November, Pope Francis gave the Jesuits of left-leaning America magazine an extensive and exclusive interview on “a wide range of topics… including polarization in the U.S. church, racism, the war in Ukraine, the Vatican’s relations with China and church teaching on the ordination of women.” “I Am a Communist, and So … Read more

How Saul Alinsky Took Lessons From the Mob and Influenced the Catholic Left

The following article is adapted from the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧   The history of the Catholic left in the United States was influenced by the symbiosis between the radical movement fathered by late socialist organizer Saul Alinsky and the progressive … Read more

How Christian Socialism Infiltrated into the Church

To understand the crisis inside the Church, one must first look at the processes that led to the present situation inside the Church. The roots of this crisis extend much farther back than the times of the Second Vatican Council. It can be seen in the appearance of Christian Socialism in the … Read more

New Book Shows Why Americans Must be Concerned about Liberation Theology Today

The following article is adapted from John Horvat’s foreword for the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧ Many look at liberation theology as a Latin American phenomenon that need not concern Americans. In 1971, Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, a Peruvian theologian, released the movement’s seminal … Read more

The Great Reset ‘Feeds Secularization’ and Paves Way for ‘De-Christianized Society’

The Great Reset ‘Feeds Secularization’ and Paves Way for ‘De-Christianized Society’

The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative will communize capitalism, technocratize society, feed secularization and pave the way for a de-Christianized world, Italian philosophy professor Renato Cristin has warned. The proposal, backed by world leaders and which aims to create a more sustainable future and build solidarity after the coronavirus crisis, would … Read more

Who Was Cesar Chavez and Why Is He in the Oval Office?

Who Was Cesar Chavez and Why Is He in the Oval Office?

On a table in the Oval Office, President Joe Biden keeps framed pictures and busts of those who served as inspiration throughout his long political career. One bust features Cesar Chavez, a distant figure from the sixties. He seems disconnected from the present world. However, such a conclusion is a great mistake. … Read more

TFP Talk Unmasks Liberation Theology

TFP Talk Unmasks Liberation Theology

On January 25, 2020, the Washington Bureau of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) held a talk titled “When is it all going to the end?” TFP speaker Julio Loredo traced the history and ideology of liberation theology. The Peruvian native has long studied the errors … Read more

The Amazon Synod: What Are the Real Stakes?

The Amazon Synod is causing irritation and perplexity for countless Catholics, as can be seen in the reaction to the initial working document (Instrumentum laboris), a sort of green proclamation tinged with clear sympathies for the (pagan) habits of the Amazonian peoples. The malaise increased with the publication of the list of … Read more