Why the Left Makes Americans Hate Fellow Americans

Why the Left Makes Americans Hate Fellow Americans

There is an effort to get Americans to hate fellow Americans. We see this unfolding before our eyes as violence is destroying the once-stable American order. The situation is hard to understand because we are all Americans. This identity which we hold sacred is what has always defined and unified us, despite … Read more

A Broken Society Explains Why People Are So Lonely

A Broken Society Explains Why People Are So Lonely

A friend of mine works at a health clinic in a medium-sized town in the Midwest. He told me about a peculiar kind of patient that comes in for treatment. They are young and old, rich and poor. They are men and women. It is safe to say they represent a cross … Read more

The Civilization of the Lie and Its Rejection of Truth

The Civilization of the Lie and Its Rejection of Truth 5

Historical eras, like people, have their own defining traits. There is always a particular virtue or vice, hero or villain, war or revolution that indelibly marks a whole year, decade, or even century, making it easy to summarize these eras with a single phrase. The Ancien Régime , the period of French … Read more

Self-Unidentifying: The Craze to be Nobody

Self-Unidentifying: The Craze to be Nobody 2

Just when you think you understand the crazy world of political correctness, somebody comes and messes everything up. It used to be, for example, that you could simply “self-identify” as someone you are not, yet desire to be. Now, in the municipal offices of the Colombian city of Cali, the opposite is … Read more

Answering a Troubling Question: Man, Woman, or Whatever?

Answering a Troubling Question: Man, Woman, or Whatever?

A friend of mine recently rejoiced because he had finally found a job after being unemployed for a few months. It was an engineering job with a good company comparable to the one he had before. However, there was one thing about the final interview that bothered him. He was asked: “What … Read more

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage?

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage? 3

So many of the moral issues that polarize the nation are now having legal consequences. Liberal activists insist upon forcing acceptance down the throats of countless Americans who disagree. The violence of this forced acceptance is something unseen in American history. Photographers, florists, bed & breakfast owners, and bakers who refused to … Read more

The Yik-Yak Revolution

The Yik-Yak Revolution

There is a social media app popular on campuses nationwide called Yik-Yak. The way it works is that short Twitter-like messages (yaks) can be posted anonymously within a short-radius area. The best yaks are then voted up or down a list by those within a given place. All these short messages, however, … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

Bringing the Hat Back to Charleston

Bringing the Hat Back to Charleston 1

On Saturday, April 23, over 200 women in their finest Easter apparel gathered in Washington Park in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. Some brought their husbands and children. Both young and young at heart came united by a common purpose: to share with the public their love for a seemingly lost tradition: The … Read more

23 Genders

23 Genders 3

In matters of human sexuality, there are male and female. It is an established biological fact. It is from this fact that comes the family which assures the continuity of the human race. From the family comes society and the State which works toward the common good and perfection of our nature. … Read more