Becoming a Nation of Renters Will Destroy America

Becoming a Nation of Renters Will Destroy America

Homeowning used to be the goal of most families in search of stability. It was an essential component of the American Dream. However, the overheated market for houses now puts this dream out of reach for many Americans. As a result, some question the value of homeownership and opt for renting. In … Read more

CHINA: Life-saver or Greatest Global Threat?

CHINA: Life-saver or Greatest Global Threat? 10

Everyone’s eyes are turned to China, the Middle Kingdom, whose dizzying economic growth never ceases to draw exaggerated praise. However, we are also facing the growing military might of a government that not only has not renounced the Marxist ideology but still maintains the relentless repression typical of Communist police states. Thus, … Read more