A Formula for Dealing With the $21 Trillion Federal Debt

A Formula for Dealing With the $21 Trillion Federal Debt 1

It is official; the national debt has now exceeded $21 trillion. The tragic news comes just six months after it hit $20 trillion last September 8. This problem is obviously not going away. By voting to suspend the debt ceiling, Congress has allowed the government to borrow as much as it needs until … Read more

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Young people get blamed for a lot of things. They’re called snowflakes for withering and melting at the least criticism or politically incorrect commentary. They are deemed irresponsible and accused of merely “adulting” when they manage to handle the life decisions typical of adults. And now the Department of Education’s latest financial … Read more

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

It is no secret that middle-class Americans are angry at the government and the general state of things. The so-called anti-establishment candidates appear to be channeling that rage to their camps. It is a raw undefined rage that is based more on frustrations and emotions than on concrete facts or convictions. People … Read more

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue 3

With all the discussions about tax rates and the prodigious amount of municipal deficits, our politicians and media tell us that we must increase tax rates to survive. One is left with the hollow feeling that there are no options and we must raise taxes regardless of the effects to stave off … Read more

Discriminating Against Discrimination

Discriminating Against Discrimination 2

The Federal Supreme Court has ruled on a case brought by the Christian Legal Society [CLS] at Hastings College that appealed an “accept-all-comers” policy, which mandates all campus organizations to accept anyone as a member and even allow them to run for office – no matter what they believe. Or so it … Read more

A Fuelish Solution

A Fuelish Solution 1

It seems all the talk about peak energy production is a bit premature as the argument of abruptly declining fossil fuels is fizzling. Recent discoveries of vast oil reserves in North America have exceeded 1.7 trillion barrels, 1.4 trillion in the U.S. alone which is more oil than the entire world has … Read more