Father Jenkins, Urgently Reconsider!

How the Homosexual Movement Infiltrates Catholic Colleges and Subverts the Truth 1

  In a March 25 letter to the President of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has registered its vehement opposition at his decision to have our nation’s president speak at the commencement and receive a Doctor … Read more

TFP Launches Pray Campaign for Notre Dame University

TFP Launches Pray Campaign for Notre Dame University

So many students and parents had trusted Notre Dame’s new president, Fr. John I. Jenkins, would restore moral order on campus by stopping two blatant anti-Catholic events from occurring year after year: “Queer Film Festival” and “V-Monologues.” However, hopes that Notre Dame would ban immoral events were shattered on April 5, when … Read more