Let Us Fight for You

Let Us Fight for You 1

The Moral Imperative of a Masculine Infantry “…exposure to danger is not combat. Combat is a lot more than that, it’s a lot more than getting shot at or even getting killed by being shot at. Combat is finding and closing with and killing or capturing the enemy if you’re down in … Read more

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue 3

With all the discussions about tax rates and the prodigious amount of municipal deficits, our politicians and media tell us that we must increase tax rates to survive. One is left with the hollow feeling that there are no options and we must raise taxes regardless of the effects to stave off … Read more

Women in Combat

Women in Combat 1

During the 1968 Tet Offensive, then Captain Gordon Batcheller earned the Navy Cross when his unit, Company A, 1st Battalion Marines, engaged a numerically superior force of the North Vietnamese Army. Although injured by shrapnel, he aggressively led his men in a fierce assault against the enemy and was seriously wounded in … Read more