The Rage of the New Puritans Is Sweeping America

The Rage of the New Puritans Is Sweeping America

The announcement that the “Silence Breakers” have been named “Person of the Year” by TIME magazine has catapulted the sexual harassment scandals into the national spotlight. Sexual assault in the workplace has taken on crisis proportions. Many are saying that men and women will soon revert to minimizing contact among themselves. They … Read more

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The rash of sexual harassment scandals is sweeping the nation to the point that it seems almost no male is exempt from its terrible fury. Anyone can be denounced by the media. Liberals point to “toxic masculinity” and social structures that must be overthrown. Feminists blame the remnants of patriarchy that manage … Read more

Who Is Framing the Narrative in the Political Debate?

Who Is Framing the Narrative in the Political Debate? 1

Everyone acknowledges that this is not an ordinary election cycle. Almost as confusing as the campaign events are the explanations of those trying to explain why so many bizarre things are happening. Everyone has a take on the political carnival. Everything seems to be a confused mess. However, if one observes closely, … Read more

Why We Must Oppose the Satanic Offensive

Why We Must Oppose the Satanic Offensive

In this age of complete relativism, some uphold the “right” to practice any aberration not only in the moral order but also in the spiritual sphere. Thus, they advocate the supposed “right” of atheists and unbelievers—and even Satan worshipers!—to ostensibly display their hatred of Christianity. To many, such hateful displays are harmless … Read more

Reflections on Women in Combat

Reflections on Women in Combat 2

One of the most earthshaking decisions of our country in 2015 occurred on December 3, when Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter declared that all combat jobs would become open to women with “no exceptions.” While it is horrible enough that women will be exposed to the horrors of war, the shock waves … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

The Case Against Secession

The Case Against Secession 2

I can understand the angst of many Americans after the last elections. There is the growing sensation that government is not responsive anymore to the needs and desires of countless citizens in the vast red-state heartland. Many want out and see secession from the Union as a way to leave the problem … Read more

The Death of a Civilization Immersed in Sin

The Death of a Civilization Immersed in Sin 2

The once Christian Western world is gradually sinking into a sea of mud in ever-thickening darkness. Vice and error are glorified as virtue and truth is persecuted. People no longer boast of moral righteousness and of the rule of reason but of libertinism, irrationality and the “deconstruction” of the concepts which sustain … Read more

The Benefits of Large Families

The Benefits of Large Families 1

Experience shows that a family’s vitality and unity are usually in direct proportion to its fecundity.In large families, the children normally look up to the parents as leaders of a sizeable community, given the number of its members as well as the considerable religious, moral, cultural, and material values inherent to the … Read more

The Educational Importance of Manners

The Educational Importance of Manners

At first glance it might seem rather forced to make a connection between education and manners. In our secular society, manners like morals seem to be optional in the formation of youth. It is something relegated to parents to teach children at the dinner table if and when they eat together. Manners … Read more