How Senseless Policies Make America Look like Wuhan, China

How Senseless Policies Make America Look like Wuhan, China

Capitalizing on a crisis to expand authority is not a new phenomenon. Good emergency policies need to be implemented for the sake of the common good. However, these measures can get out of hand and lead to encroachment on personal liberties and rights. All too often, temporary emergency measures become permanent. Overreaching … Read more

Where Is Elian’s Journey Leading Us?

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

The steady stream of photos of a smiling Elian Gonzalez reunited with his father could well foster the impression of a happy ending to the sad story of this young Cuban refugee. Were one naive enough to believe this, one might well conclude that the entire matter was a tempest in a … Read more