Why Do We Blame Society for Bad Personal Choices?

Why Do We Blame Society for Bad Personal Choices?

In a Christian civilization, people are responsible for their acts before God and man. There may be attenuating circumstances that diminish a person’s guilt for crimes or destructive actions. However, the final responsibility always lies with the individual. For this reason, life is full of trials and difficulties. Acts have consequences that … Read more

Why Too Many Choices Drive You Crazy. Prudence is the Solution!

Why Too Many Choices Drive You Crazy. Prudence is the Solution!

Many claim the inebriating idea of unlimited choice is an expression of a marvelous consumer culture. They might even say that the frenetic intemperance of having endless possibilities is the essence of freedom. It does not matter if people cannot exercise even a fraction of these options as long as the choices … Read more

Why Do So Many Smart People Use Dumb Phones?

Why Do So Many Smart People Use Dumb Phones? 1

Wherever you go, people are on their “smartphones.” In airports, restaurants or on the street, people are almost permanently glued to their devices, obsessed with the idea that they cannot exist without being connected to the cyber world. Thus, they text and tweet, email and Google, follow and like in an effort … Read more

Discriminating Against Discrimination

Discriminating Against Discrimination 2

The Federal Supreme Court has ruled on a case brought by the Christian Legal Society [CLS] at Hastings College that appealed an “accept-all-comers” policy, which mandates all campus organizations to accept anyone as a member and even allow them to run for office – no matter what they believe. Or so it … Read more

Challenging Abortion at the University of Pittsburgh

Challenging Abortion at the University of Pittsburgh 1

To call abortion what it is – a grave sin – on any college campus is like exposing a raw nerve or scrubbing an infected wound. At least that is the experience of members of TFP Student Action in the past, and it was no different this time at the University of … Read more