How a Good Lent Can Help Fix a Bad Economy

How a Good Lent Can Help Fix a Bad Economy 4

To those who see no link between Lent and our failing economy, it might be the case to look again. Economics is about people. It cannot be reduced to numbers, formulae and analyses. “The subject matter of economics,” observes economic historian Odd Langholm, “is properly the habits, customs, and ways of thinking … Read more

Stand Up for Tradition

Stand Up for Tradition 1

After having attended a sold-out and inspirational Handel’s Messiah, one was left to reflect upon the well-attended, enthusiastic and inspired crowd. In an age where much entertainment is reduced to sound bites and portable electronic devices, it was amazing to observe the great number who attended a two hour long musical performance … Read more

Is Hell Really A Deterrent To Crime?

Is Hell Really A Deterrent To Crime? 2

A recent study by psychology Professor Azim F. Shariff from the University of Oregon, supports in part what the Catholic Church has been teaching for the last 2,000 years about justice and Hell. Professor Shariff made a comprehensive analysis of 26 years of data involving 143,197 people from 67 countries and discovered … Read more

What is Tolerance?

What is Tolerance? 2

When it comes to tolerance, confusion reigns supreme. Everyone talks about it, but few seem to know exactly what it is. What, then, is tolerance? Imagine a man with two sons, one with sound principles and a strong will and the other with undecided principles and a vacillating will. One day there … Read more