When Planning the Birth of a New Society, Invite the Mother

When Planning the Birth of a New Society, Invite the Mother

At a class at Acton University, Dr. Carrie Gress was lecturing about the Benedict Option and somewhat informally proposed a Marian option. She said she was impressed by the interest the proposal sparked. I happened to be in the class and remember thinking at the time about how well her message resonated with … Read more

The Benedict Option Omits the Fatima Answer

The Benedict Option Omits the Fatima Answer

As the situation of the nation worsens, many are weighing their options. One much-discussed alternative is what is called the Benedict Option. The Benedict Option is the name of a just-published book by journalist Rod Dreher. The author holds that conservatives have lost the Culture War and it is time to find … Read more

The Benedict Option Without Benedict

The Benedict Option Without Benedict

Many conservatives are facing the brutal reality of a culture that undermines their Faith and destroys their values. Not a few have made the logical comparison to the Christians facing both the Roman Empire’s decadent “establishment” and the ruthlessly aggressive ways of the barbarians who threatened to destroy what remained of civilization. … Read more

The Benedict Option and the Barbarian Challenge

The Benedict Option and the Barbarian Challenge

Scratch the soul of many a conservative and beneath you will find a villager. Something is there that attracts these Americans to more natural and simpler lifestyles. Perhaps it is because organic and authentic things appear restful and reassuring in a world of uncertainties and anxieties. However, what makes the organic option … Read more