Why Are the Major Leagues Funding Communist Cuba?

Why Are the Major Leagues Funding Communist Cuba?

The United States has had a long and tempestuous relationship with communist Cuba. After communist dictator Fidel Castro seized American assets in Cuba, President John Kennedy announced an economic, political and commercial embargo on the island in 1962. In this way, America showed its rejection for the regime that has not stopped … Read more

COP21: Paris’ Historic Fiasco

COP21: Paris’ Historic Fiasco

James Hansen, a former NASA scientist and leading herald of “global warmism” has called the Agreement “a fraud” and “a fake.” Hugs, tears, euphoria: it was not the World Cup finals but that of the Conference of the Parties in Paris, or COP21 as it is better known. Under the chairmanship of … Read more

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over 2

In a surprising new study, NASA satellite telemetry indicates that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the losses from its thinning glaciers. No doubt this data will not sit well with climate alarmists who claim that anthropogenic global warming is destroying the … Read more

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs 1

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs The July 14, 2015 Vienna accord over Iran’s development and use of nuclear energy and the lifting of sanctions inevitably brings to mind the “Munich Agreement” made by the governments of Britain and France with Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler on September 30, 1938. … Read more

A Look at the Real Brazil – Through Communist Eyes

A Look at the Real Brazil - Through Communist Eyes 2

The establishment media seek to convey a discouraging impression of Brazil as a country where the majority of the population prefers immorality and egalitarian decadence. However, this is a very partial view of reality that does not consider the deepest aspects of the Brazilian soul. Geraldo Galindo, leader of the Communist Party … Read more

What Exactly Is an Anti-Communist?

What Exactly Is an Anti-Communist? 1

What exactly is an anti-communist? This is a question which appears to be so simple of resolution as to border on being foolish. However, there are different ways in which it may be answered. If we consider only the two most common responses to it being given nowadays, we should see that … Read more