Stopping High-Tech Abortion

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Stopping High-Tech Abortion
Stopping High-Tech Abortion

“Embryonic stem cell research: Thousands killed! Zero cured!” This was a chant reverberating off of the buildings of George Washington University on Feb. 12 as twelve members of TFP Student Action publicly denounced the immorality of embryonic stem cell research.

They but also exposes how after twenty years of experimentation and billions of dollars not a single cure has resulted from it. And over sixty different types of cures benefiting tens of thousands have resulted from experimentation with adult stem cells.

10 Reasons Why Abortion Is Evil

These flyers, coupled with the TFP’s red capes, tall red banners, the bagpipes, and the many slogans of TFP Student Action, were enough to spark reactions from many of the students passing by. One young liberal received a flyer from Liam Farrel only to tear it up without reading it.

“Abortion isn’t murder! The fetus is a parasite on the mother, it is her right to choose,” one student told Matthew Taylor.

“What if someone punched a pregnant woman in the stomach and the baby died, would that be murder?” was Matthew’s response.

“Yes!” the student said not seeing the blatant contradiction.

Inconsistencies like this were common throughout the day for those in favor of killing human embryos.

There was also support. Several students approached the members of TFP Student Action to shake their hands, thank and encourage them.

After the campaign, on their way home, TFP volunteers paid a visit to the Iwo Jima memorial near the Arlington National Cemetery. The bagpipers played The Marine Hymn in tribute to the valor and sacrifice of the Marines. The monument reads: “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.” The heroism of those men on the sands of Iwo Jima is unforgettable.

It takes similar courage to stand against the culture of death on modern campuses today.

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