The Lessons of Afghanistan: Can It Happen Here?

The Lessons of Afghanistan: Can It Happen Here?

Afghanistan represented a major military defeat. The world saw the collapse of a modern, organized military force, which enjoyed a material advantage over its adversary. In addition, the Afghan Armed Forces were made in the image and likeness of their American counterparts. Its military structures and assets should have been sufficient to … Read more

Why the State Must Not Control Children’s Lives

Why the State Must Not Control Children’s Lives

In a recent debate, an East Coast politician accidentally let the truth seep out. “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” He subsequently reiterated the point. “Listen, we … Read more

Why Is God Missing in the ‘Economy of Francesco’?

Why Is God Missing in the Economy of Francesco?

The Economy of Francesco is the name of an initiative of Pope Francis in which he invites “young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers of the world” to address the world’s economic problems. The project seeks to be an explosive source of energy and new ideas for a tired world in need of change. … Read more

Worse Than Machines: Amazon’s Secret Abuse of its Workers

Worse Than Machines: Amazon’s Secret Abuse of its Workers

The giant retailer Amazon represents the cutting edge of a materialistic consumer society. It changed the marketplace by facilitating the quest for ever greater, faster and cheaper gratification. The desire for “always more” instead of better often leads to consumer frustration and stress, not happiness. However, Amazon also is changing the workplace. … Read more

The Biden Death Tax: An Attack on Ideas America Holds Dear

The Biden Death Tax: An Attack on Ideas America Holds Dear

The death tax provision of President Biden’s “American Families Plan” not only financially punishes people receiving inherited assets but also attacks the values of tradition, family and property. By turning deaths and gifts into mere “transactions,” the Biden Administration displays an alarming disregard for protecting American families and their property. Additionally, these … Read more

“Finding” Law in the Texas Heartbeat Law Decision

“Finding” Law in the Texas Heartbeat Law Decision

In the wake of the SCOTUS decision on the Texas Heartbeat Act, many accuse Texas of legalizing vigilantism. The left paints the new law as a sinister manipulation aimed at eviscerating compliance in Texas with Roe v. Wade. Undoubtedly, the act that allows private individuals to bring a civil suit against anyone … Read more

With the Fall of Afghanistan, We Enter a Dangerous New World

With the Fall of Afghanistan, We Enter a Dangerous New World

With the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, we can say that the 9/11 era has officially ended. America’s response to the 2001 terrorist attack is over. We have entered a post-9/11 era that woefully reflects the decay of our institutions and resolve. America Has Changed Indeed, America has changed in these … Read more