Liberals Rejoice the Triumph of Unreality – The “Jennerization” of America

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One thing is clear about the Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex “marriage.” It was not only about marriage. Rather it was about what might be called the Bruce Jennerization of law or the triumph of unreality.

In the case of the Olympic superstar, a biological reality was turned into a legal fiction. While artificially made to look like a person of the opposite sex, the fact did not change the reality of his male biological makeup. However, that did not stop media from celebrating the fantasy by featuring the 65-year-old athlete’s sensual image on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine.

In the same way, the biological reality of the union of a man and woman which is the foundation of marriage was Jennerized into a legal fiction by the Supreme Court justices. There is no way one can equate an artificial and sterile union with the fruitful and complementary union of marriage. Nevertheless, the media pulled out all the stops in celebrating this new unreality railroaded into law by judicial fiat.

What happened with the Obergefell v. Hodges decision at the Supreme Court on that fateful June 26 morning was not a redefinition of marriage but rather a declaration that it can now be whatever one wants it to be. And it makes sense. Once marriage is reduced to mere affection and denied its primary function of natural procreation, there is no fantasy that cannot be labeled as marriage. Indeed, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority decision insinuated that same-sex “marriage” is but the latest manifestation of evolving liberty. As time progresses, new manifestations will appear that are presently unknown and future decisions will ratify.

No one has any illusions that the decision is the end of the process. Some giddy activists themselves are already mobilizing, asking why marriage must be limited to merely two. Others speak of incest and pedophilia. And while not all homosexual advocates support these claims, the door is open. The internal logic of the Court’s decision will usher in yet more claims as new “genders” already gather to add their own letters to the LGBTQ alphabet soup and demand justice. The final goal is to legalize and legitimize any consensual sexual relationship and destroy all notions of “sexual identity” which gender theorists see as a mere social construct that restricts personal freedom.

Such opinions would be harmless if they were to stay in the realm of opinions. Dissenting traditionalists might then think they could isolate themselves from the madness and adopt a live and let live attitude. However, that is not what happens. Some homosexual activists are already saying the decision will facilitate the beginning of new anti-discrimination and hate crime measures to force the acceptance and embracing of Jennerized marriage.

Such a perspective does not bode well for the nation. When nature, truth and reality no longer are considered as basis for law, there can be no unified order for society to function and prosper. Each person becomes a law unto himself built upon any self-identified legal fiction. The only rule left will be that there can be no moral code or rules to restrict personal behavior, even when self-destructive. The only crime is to declare that another’s personal fantasy is wrong or sinful. When all live their own fantasies, there is only one position that cannot be tolerated and that is the position of those who defend reality and truth. These become the victims of vitriol, hatred and even persecution. And that is the danger of this new Jennerized era.

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