Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!

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Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!As blasphemy, same-sex “marriage,” abortion and other moral evils threaten the nation, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign is planning a spiritual counter-attack: 3,000 public rosary rallies for America. The rallies are focused on the idea that human efforts to solve America’s problems are failing.

America must turn to God for real solutions. This appeal comes in the form of what have come to be known as Public Square Rosaries where the Catholic faithful gather in public places with banners and signs, offering public petition, reparation and witness. The 2008 rosary rallies are set to begin at twelve noon (local time) on Saturday, October 11.

Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!
Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!
The 2007 Rosary Rally in New York City.

Last year there were over 2,000 such Public Square Rosaries held all across America rallies to honor the 90th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima.

There were 70,000-100,000 faithful participating in the event. This year, organizers hope to have well over 3,000 rallies from every state representing a cross section of Catholic America.

Organizing Already Advanced

As the October 11 deadline approaches, campaign members and volunteers have been quietly and steadily at work to reach their goal. At the campaign’s central office in Kansas, volunteers have been manning the phones to make this year’s rallies a success.

“We could never plan 3,000 rallies without the help of 120 dedicated volunteers who have pledged time to work the phones at our national coordination office in Kansas. Last year we made and took about 35,000 calls,” said Robert Ritchie, executive director of America Needs Fatima.

Through their efforts, they have already recruited well over 2,700 Captains. Every state is represented and most major cites will be hosting at least one rally. The campaign organizers hope to reach and exceed the goal and perhaps make it to 4,000 such rallies.

Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!
Just some of the many volunteers.

Becoming a Captain

Anyone can become a Rosary Captain. All it takes is determination, a rosary, a few friends and devotion to the Blessed Mother. Any public square, busy intersection or community park can serve as a place. The campaign has a complete organizer’s manual with all the steps on how to put on a rally. It also will provide support materials and special prayer banners to all those that sign up.

Like last year, the campaign is offering a special privilege to all those planning to lead Public Square rosaries by sending a rose to Our Lady’s Fatima shrine in Portugal in the name of each Captain.

A Powerful Spiritual Weapon

Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!
Join the Public Square Rosary Campaign 2008!

“An amazing network is forming to honor the Mother of God and pray for the conversion of America,” said Mr. Ritchie. “Only God can help us stop abortion, pornography, blasphemy and sins against nature that are so widespread,” he said. “If anything can stop the moral crisis in society, it’s the power of the Rosary. There’s nothing more powerful spiritually.”

By praying the Rosary, participants are using the most powerful spiritual weapon of contemporary history. With the Rosary, Saint Dominic defeated Albigensian heresy, Catholic forces were victorious against the Ottoman Turks at the battle of Lepanto in 1571, Communists were expelled from Vienna in the 1955, and many more miracles and victories were won.

For more information, visit Volunteers can also call 866-584-6012 to join the campaign.

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