Liberal Catholics: “The Sole Rule of Salvation Is to be With the Living Pope” (as Long as He is a Liberal…)

Liberal Catholics: “The Sole Rule of Salvation Is to be With the Living Pope” (as Long as He is a Liberal...)

There has been some confused notions about the ultramontane movement of the nineteenth century among traditional-minded Catholics. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is publishing two articles putting the movement in context and showing its orthodoxy. The author is the French TFP’s Jose Antonio Ureta who … Read more

Why Metaphysics Can Fix This Mess-America

Why Metaphysics Can Fix This Mess-America

These are anti-metaphysical times. Most people don’t realize it because they know nothing about metaphysics and how it affects their lives. However, rejecting metaphysics has tragic consequences for individuals and society in general. An anti-metaphysical world gives rise to individuals who fail to ponder things deeply, skimming the surface of life. Such … Read more

Why the State Must Not Control Children’s Lives

Why the State Must Not Control Children’s Lives

In a recent debate, an East Coast politician accidentally let the truth seep out. “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” He subsequently reiterated the point. “Listen, we … Read more

Why Is God Missing in the ‘Economy of Francesco’?

Why Is God Missing in the Economy of Francesco?

The Economy of Francesco is the name of an initiative of Pope Francis in which he invites “young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers of the world” to address the world’s economic problems. The project seeks to be an explosive source of energy and new ideas for a tired world in need of change. … Read more

Exorcist Reveals Strongest Weapons in War on Satan

Exorcist Reveals Strongest Weapons in War on Satan

America is a modern-day spiritual battlefield in which the influence of Satanism grows with each passing day. Satanic objects are readily available from retailers who once would have avoided selling them. Satanists have hosted gatherings at places as diverse as Harvard University and Oklahoma City. In 2014, secularists attempted to have a … Read more

Minimalist Phones Show that Less can be More

Minimalist Phones Shows that Less can be More

Ever since the release of the smartphone, many have considered the “dumb phone” obsolete. In our frenetic society, the thought of not immediately googling some fact or following a Facebook page is unimaginable. However, an undercurrent of resistance has appeared. People are rejecting smartphones. They have begun abandoning their smartphones in favor … Read more